A Brain for Life
A Brain for Life, published by ABC Books /Harper Collins June 2016, e-book and talking book, is an Australian best seller. Dementia is the second killer of all adults with increasing age being the greatest risk factor along with many lifestyle habits. This book combines the latest medical evidence regarding dementia and risk along with lifestyle and mindstyle evidence based strategies and interventions to reduce risk. The book is easy to read and filled with case studies and practical strategies to optimise total health and wellbeing.
The feel good guide to menopause
Dr Gates’ second book, will be released in February 2019 with Harper Collins. Women know about outer space and have been to the moon but have very little information about their inner space – the unique female brain and body. Menopause changes the hormone balance and challenges women’s brains and minds. This book informs and protects women from the menopause roller coaster and includes multiple strategies how to manage menopause along with brain and mind changes and managing at work and provides a perfect road map so that women flourish.
Media Publications
Dr Gates has written for general media and professional journals. Here is a sample:-
Brain fitness Womankind 13th Issue 2017
Learn to appreciate your emotional tapestry Law Society Journal 39 November 2017
What you need to know about dementia Over Sixty July 2016
Power of pause Law Society 2016
We’re not prepared for rise in dementia in the workplace Sydney Morning Herald Monday June 8 2015
Cognitive decline in the workplace HRMonthly Magazine December / January December Edition 2014- 2015
Exercise: get moving to build a better brain Pigeonhole Magazine November Edition 2014
Academic Publications
Dr Nicola Gates continues to conduct academic research as a conjoint lecturer with UNSW.
Dr Gates has published over thirty peer reviewed and internationally recognised and cited academic articles since 2010.
She has written a book chapter titled Exercise and cognitive function in older adults. In Diet and Exercise in Cognitive Function and Neurological Diseases. 2015 Wiley Blackwell
Several articles are freely available here: access articles