Age Transitioning Strategy Plan

The Challenge

As our workforce ages, organisations need to proactively manage the transition of individual’s working arrangements and changing capabilities to better align with their personal circumstances.  This not only contributes to staff engagement and productivity, but will also bring financial returns through the retention and ongoing transfer of corporate knowledge. Currently, the risk for organisations is the loss of key staff who take with them a wealth of skills and experience unique to your business, because the organisation was not able to accommodate their working requirements, whether this be hours of work or type of work. Our Age Transitioning Strategy Plan (ATSP) is a proprietary framework developed by Cognexity to better support workforce planning in an ageing population, while sustaining high business performance.

The Solution

Our Age Transitioning Strategy Plan (ATSP) is a proprietary framework developed by Cognexity to better support workforce planning in an ageing population, while sustaining high business performance.  Retaining key workers using a phased approach to retirement benefits both the individuals in your organisation and provides an opportunitiy for your business to maximise the talent that they currently employ.  Embracing the knowledge and experience of more mature workers should be a priority and developing an ATSP will lead to workforce longevity and avoid unnecessary recruitment and training costs.  Engaging directly with your employees to set key parameters for working arrangements and transition to other work areas as required is a fundamental part of the ATS Planning process.  

Building a Strong Corporate Culture


Corporate Turnarounds

Virtual Assessments

Rehabilitation Programs Delivered


Employee Engagement Turnaround

Multi Modal Assessment Delivery

Face to Face, Virtual & Mobile Solutions

The Challenge has always been to engage people in an easy to use system that meets their needs.

Our Systems Support People

Making the system do the work and working with people makes our usability factor 100%

Extensive Demographic Analysis

We understand the facets of how each demographic identifies with stress and its relationship to performance.

  • Mobile Sales 80% 80%
  • Website Traffic 50% 50%
  • Conversion Rate 75% 75%
  • Email Subscribers 60% 60%

The Results Were Amazing

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